Getting started as a Film Location

15th Sep 2021

You might think your location is nothing special, but creatives and scouts are always searching for a wide variety of spaces from mansions and cabins to offices and warehouses (for shooting in, but also for storage and support space). 

How much you will get paid will vary, depending on the geographical location, appearance, selling features, and of course the Production’s budget (which varies immensely). 

If you’ve taken the plunge and decided to list your location, you’ll want to make it as appealing as possible. We often get asked how to get your location to stand out and get that first booking. Here’s a few top tips to get you started:

  • Be responsive. If you get a shoot inquiry, try to get back to us/the Production as quickly as possible.
  • Your home or space doesn’t have to be super modern or new to be appealing. Productions look for all types of locations, depending on their script.   
  • When taking photos use a real camera (or high-quality camera phone) to show your space in the best light. 
  • Parking! If you don’t have parking on site, is there at least some parking close by?
  • Space to move around is also key. Tight spaces don’t work for crew plus equipment. 
  • Often, we get very little notice for a shoot, so flexibility is a must! Productions don’t operate in the real-world sense, especially when it comes to timing!
  • Scouts and recces can often amount to nothing. Don’t get disheartened, it’s just that your space is not quite right this time, BUT they may remember you for a shoot in the future.
  • Liability insurance is something you should consider before opening your home up for commercial purposes.
  • Expect some wear and tear. If you have 15 people in a small area of course there’s going to be a few knocks and scratches. 
  • The more flexible you are with their requests, the more shoots you will get, e.g painting the location or moving furniture around. Remember, they will always be expected to return the space to the way they found it.
  • Good accessibility and availability are key! No brainer. 
  • Make sure your location is clean and safe. If Creatives realize they need to spend a lot of money to prepare the location, they may go elsewhere. 
  • Get the Productions to take “how-they-found-it” photos of every room they are shooting in so that they can reset everything as they found it. 
  • Try not to be distracting to the crew during the shoot as they are under pressure to work fast. They will be treating your home as a set which some folks could find unsettling.
  • Enjoy the process! 

Once you’ve registered your property, really all you need to do it sit back and wait for the phone to ring! But seriously though, it may not ring for a while, and it may not ring often. Don’t lose faith. Keeping your photos up to date and information current are things you can do to increase your chances of being selected. Our suggestion is always to be optimistic, present your location in the best way (great photos always!) and then don’t overthink it. Don’t start working out all the logistics, just wait until an inquiry comes in and then we will help walk you through the process.

Rachael Dudley


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